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1 / 21
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Prime numbers
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Prime numbers
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Real numbers
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Deep space
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Samos 570 BC
Metaponto 490 BC
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Euclid (Εὐκλείδης, Eukléidēs)
4th century BC
3rd century BC
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Eratosthenes of Cyrene (Ἐρατοσθένης, Eratosthénēs)
Cyrene, 276 BC
Alexandria, Egypt, 194 BC
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Leonardo Pisano known as Fibonacci
Pisa, about September 1170
Pisa, about 1242
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Pierre de Fermat
Beaumont-de-Lomagne, 17/08/1601
Castres, 12/01/1665
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René Descartes
La Haye en Touraine 03/31/1596
Stockholm, 02/11/1650
13 / 21
Leonhard Euler
Basel, 15/04/1707
Saint Petersburg, 18/09/1783
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Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Leipzig, 01/07/1646
Hannover, 14/11/1716
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Isaac Newton
Woolsthorpe 1642
Kensington, Middlesex 1727
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Joseph Louis Lagrange, born Giuseppe Luigi Lagrangia
Turin, 01/25/1736
Paris, 04/10/1813
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Friedrich Carl Gauss
Braunschweig, 30/04/1777
Gottingen, 23/02/1855
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Georg Friedrich Riemann
Breselenz, 17/09/1826
Selasca, 20/07/1866
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Thomas Joannes Stieltjes
Zwolle, 29/12/1856
Toulouse, 31/12/1894
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David Hilbert
Königsberg, 23/01/1862
Gottingen, 14/02/1943
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Stanisław Ulam
Lviv, 13/04/1909
Santa Fe, 13/05/1984